Session KNTH-S1


9:05 AM — 9:40 AM KST
May 27 Wed, 8:05 PM — 8:40 PM EDT

A Fresh Look at an Old Problem: Network Utility Maximization - Convergence, Delay, and Complexity

Prof. Ness Shroff (Ohio State University)

Network Utility Maximization has been studied for resource allocation problems in communication networks for nearly two decades. Nonetheless, a major challenge that continues to remain open is how to develop a distributed congestion control and routing algorithm that can simultaneously provide utility optimality, fast convergence speed, and low delay. To address this challenge we take a fresh perspective on this old problem and develop a new algorithm that offers the fastest known convergence speed, vanishing utility optimality gap with finite queue length, and low routing complexity.

Our key contributions in this work are: i) the design of a new joint congestion control and routing algorithm based on a type of inexact Uzawa method in the Alternating Directional Method of Multiplier; ii) a new theoretical path to prove global and linear convergence rate without requiring the full rank assumption of the constraint matrix; and iii) a clear path for implementing the proposed method in a fully distributed fashion.

Session Chair

Kyunghan Lee (Seoul National University, Korea (South))

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Session KNTH-S2


9:40 AM — 10:20 AM KST
May 27 Wed, 8:40 PM — 9:20 PM EDT

Toward One Network Era: Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Communication

Dr. Woo-Jin Byun (ETRI)

With the development of mobile communication technology, wireless data transmission speed is increasing, but the communication range is narrowing. In particular, millimeter wave 5G is expected to provide Gbps data services mainly in the hot spot area. Despite the development of mobile communication networks, there are still many coverage holes which mobile communication cannot provide data services. Covering all these shaded areas with a mobile communication network would be expensive. Moreover, people want to be provided with high-quality data services on airplanes and cruise ships. To this end, satellite and terrestrial communication networks are being integrated. Satellites have traditionally served to provide telecommunications services to disaster areas where terrestrial networks have collapsed. In addition, it has been providing broadcasting and communication services to marine areas and island-mountainous areas that do not reach the ground network. Terrestrial-Satellite communication network will be able to provide much higher quality

In this talk, I would like to point out the development direction of terrestrial-satellite communication technology. In addition, the main technologies in the field of terrestrial-satellite communication required for the 5G + / 6G era will be explained.

Closing Remark for the Keynote Session with our Apology for the Disconnection

Kyunghan Lee

This talk does not have an abstract.

Session Chair

Kyunghan Lee (Seoul National University, Korea (South))

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