Workshops and Tutorials

Workshop on Full Duplex Radio (FDR) Technologies for Next Generation Wireless Communications

Session HWS5-S1

Invited Keynote Presenations

2:00 PM — 3:30 PM KST
May 25 Mon, 12:00 AM — 1:30 AM CDT

Keynote 1: Industrial R&D Trends for Full Duplex Radio Technologies

Jaehoon Chung (LG Electronics, Korea)

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Keynote 2: Full Duplex Radios: An Idea Whose Time Has Come To Reality

Chanbyoung Chae (Yonsei University, Korea)

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Keynote 3: Potential and Challenges of Full Duplex Communication

Wilhelm Keusgen (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany)

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Session Chair

Jaehoon Chung (LG Electronics, Korea)

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Session HWS5-S2

Full Duplex Radio Technologies

3:45 PM — 5:15 PM KST
May 25 Mon, 1:45 AM — 3:15 AM CDT

Demonstration of Self-Interference Antenna Suppression and RF Cancellation for Full Duplex MIMO Comm

Donghyun Lee and Byung-Wook Min (Yonsei University, Korea (South))

This paper presents methods to design RF front-ends of the MIMO in-band full duplex radio (FDR). The RF front-end reduces the level of the self-interference(SI) using an passive suppression in the antenna domain and a active cancellation in the RF circuit. Three possible methods for the antenna suppression is introduced for MxM MIMO applications, which are separation, circulator, and dual-polarized antenna. In this demonstration, the antenna separation and the reflection-controlled circulator are used for the 2x2 MIMO FDR. A RF board for the active cancellation is designed to make the identical signal with residual SI, which consists of four self-interference reference
generators subtracting SIs of two transmitters from two receivers. The reference generators are composed with three taps which are composed of attenuators, phase shifters and true time delays, each, to achieve the cancellation bandwidth of 100 MHz at 3.55 GHz. Experimental results show the passive antenna suppression of >30 dB and total SI isolation with the active cancellation of 60 dB over the bandwidth.

Time Dispersion Parameters of Indoor Self-Interference Radio Channels in Sub-7-GHz Bands

Ramez Askar, Mehrnoosh Mazhar Sarmadi, Fabian Undi and Michael Peter (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany); Wilhelm Keusgen (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany); Thomas Haustein (Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Germany)

In full-duplex wireless communication systems, knowledge about the self-interference channel must be acquired to cancel the self-interference signal. This paper presents results's analysis of indoor measurements of multi-path self-interference wireless propagation channels. Three polarimetric self-interference radio channels were concurrently measured. The measurements were performed by means of a vector network analyzer, which was used to sweep three gigahertz of bandwidth; distributed equally over three scattered frequency bands. These bands are: 2-to-3-GHz band, 3-to-4-GHz band, and 5.9-to-6.9-GHz band. The sweeps captured scattering-parameters, which hold the frequency responses of the self-interference propagation channels. A dually-polarized open boundary quad ridged horn antenna was used to observe the polarimetric self-interference channels. Antenna's ports were connected to two test ports of the vector network analyzer. The measurement setup allowed us to capture two orthogonal co-polar self-interference channels and one cross-polar self-interference channel. The channels were measured in a modern and spacious office environment. The antenna was at two and half meter height to be sequentially positioned along the office circumference at 25 different locations -- sounding the self-interference channels. The averaged power delay profiles of all three self-interference channels are presented and compared among three sounded bands. Furthermore, the time dispersive behavior of the self-interference wireless channels has been statistically analyzed.

Analysis of Spectral Efficiency in Hybrid Networks With Full Duplex Base Stations and TDD Users

Tong Li (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China); Shanghui Xiao (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China & Chengdu Technological University, China); Shihai Shao (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China); Bin Yu (Samsung Electronics, China); Chengjun Sun (Beijing Samsung Telecom R & D Center, China)

In the asymmetric and time-variant traffic, the hybrid network with a full duplex (FD) base station (BS) and multiple time division duplex (TDD) user equipment (UE) is more flexible than the traditional TDD network, since it is not limited by the fixed TDD frame structure. This paper focuses on the specific hybrid network with FD BS and TDD UE. First, applying the hybrid network must ensure that the intra-cell co-frequency interference (CI) has been suppressed. To achieve this goal, a spatial isolation method and its corresponding resource allocation are proposed in the specific hybrid network with FD BS and TDD UE. Then, to evaluate the gain of the hybrid network compared with the TDD network, the spectral efficiency is derived and analyzed. Theoretical and simulation results show that the gain of hybrid network, when compared with the TDD network, increases with the number of users and decreases with the number of sub-regions. Furthermore, the uplink gain increases with the ratio of the number of time slots for the uplink to that for the downlink (UDR) in the TDD frame, and can be greater than 2 when UDR is adequately small, while the downlink is reversed. However, the total gain of spectral efficiency is smaller than 2, which is the FD upper bound restricted by FD system structure. Therefore, when compared with the symmetric and time-invariant traffic, it is more efficient to apply FD in networks with asymmetric and time-variant traffic where the performance of the TDD network is severely limited.

On the Cross Link Interference of 5G with Flexible Duplex and Full Duplex

Zhiheng Guo (Huawei Technologies Co. LTD, China); Yongqiang Fei (Huawei Technology, China)

this paper analyzes the cross interference of flexible duplex and full duplex when the technology is deployed as a network for seamless coverage. Different cross link interference characteristics for the flexible duplex and the full duplex are introduced, and the variable cross link interference management schemes are also analyzed.

Doubling Spectral Efficiency Independent of Cell Sizes in 5G using Hybrid IBFD Cellular Network

Parthiban Annamalai (Intel, India); Jyotsna Bapat (International Institute of Information Technology, India); Debabrata Das (International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore, India)

In Band Full Duplex (IBFD) is an emerging wireless technology that can double Spectral Efficiency (SE), one of the key enhancement item for 5G. Due to complex processing and hardware required to realize IBFD capability, it is generally not recommended for User Equipments (UEs), while the Base Stations (BSs) can accommodate these changes. This results in a Hybrid IBFD Cellular Network (HICN) that restricts IBFD capability strictly to BS and continues with legacy Half Duplex (HD) UEs. Due to this IBFD capability mismatch between BS and UEs in HICN, frequency allocation is a challenging task and to the best of our knowledge, a generic allocation algorithm that can maximize sum-SE of a cell and work across different cell sizes is not reported yet in literature. In this paper, we propose a frequency allocation algorithm for HICN to maximize sum-SE of a cell and shown to work independent of cell sizes. An adaptive and robust UE grouping algorithm is introduced to share frequencies efficiently for enhancing sum-SE. We have used frequency reuse efficiency (η) and sum-SE to characterize the performance of the proposed algorithm. η defines the amount of frequency reuse while sum-SE provides the sum of SE achieved by all UEs in UL and DL. We have obtained closed-form analytical expression for η as well as the bounds on the number of frequencies required. Simulation results reveal that the frequency reuse is doubled with increase in number of UEs, leading to doubling sum-SE for Macro, Micro and Pico BS classes.

Doubling Spectral Efficiency Independent of Cell Sizes in 5G using Hybrid IBFD Cellular Network

Parthiban Annamalai (Intel, India); Jyotsna Bapat (International Institute of Information Technology, India); Debabrata Das (International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore, India)

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Keynote: Introduction of future standardization approach

Jaehoon Chung (LG Electronics, Korea)

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Session Chair

Jaehoon Chung (LG Electronics, Korea)

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