Workshops and Tutorials

8th IEEE International Workshop on Research Advancements in Future Networking Technologies (RAFNET)

Session FWS9-S1

Mobile Wireless Networks

9:00 AM — 10:30 AM KST
May 24 Sun, 7:00 PM — 8:30 PM CDT

Velocity based Reliable Forwarding Strategy Towards Disconnect Link Avoidance in NDN-VANETs

Muhammad Burhan and Rana Asif Rehman (National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan); Byung-Seo Kim (Hongik University, Korea (South))

Vehicular Named-Data Network (VNDN) is considered as an adoption of Named-Data Network (NDN) and Vehicular ad hoc Network (VANET). Unlike current Internet architecture (for example, TCP/IP), vehicles require desired content objects by broadcasting the name of them in the form of Interest packet. The vehicle who has requested content object, simply generates Data packet and broadcasts towards to the content requester vehicle. In VNDN, there exist no end-to-end connection with other vehicles. However, this situation leads to the problem of broadcast storm of Interest packets, where each vehicle is assumed to transmit Interest packet in the network to search the producer vehicle. As a result, each vehicle have multiple copies of same Interest packets. There are a lot of proposed work exist to avoid broadcast storm of Interest packet, but on the other hand, these solutions lead towards the problem of disconnect link and isolated network between vehicles. The disconnect link prevent Data packets from reaching towards the content requester due to high and different speed of the vehicles. Further, isolated network refers as whenever vehicles unable to broadcast Interest packets in the network. However, we propose a forwarding strategy, named Velocity based Reliable Forwarding Strategy (VRFS) in order to avoid disconnect link problem and isolated network between vehicles in VNDN. For this purpose, we use speed and location information of the vehicles involved during the communication in the network. Furthermore, the proposed scheme is evaluated through simulations as well as compared to the traditional VNDN implementation.

Vehicular Adhoc Networks Protocol to Avoid Traffic Signal Delay

Muhammad Diyan, Bhagya Nathali Silva, Kyuchang Lee, Cao Zhenbo and Ki Jun Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea (South)); Jihun Han (Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea (South))

Traffic congestion, collision, and long delay on a traffic signal, etc., are prominent issues in today's transportation system. To address these issues, literature constitutes different traffic flow models to analyze road conditions. In this context, this paper proposed an optimum scheme called Traffic Signal Delay Avoidance Protocol (TSDAP) based on frequent beacon messages, which aim to estimate speed for vehicles to avoid a long wait on traffic signals. Secondly, the dynamic speed assistance to the driver is another feature of TSDAP. The dynamic speed assistance feature enabled TADAP to avoid a collision. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms in terms of speed recommendation for collision and delay avoidance.

Performance Evaluation of Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols in (FANETs)

Anas Alkhatieb (Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia); Emad Felemban (Umm Al Qura University, Saudi Arabia); Atif Naseer (Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia)

The utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as aerial relays for the Internet of Drones (IoD) network has several advantages such as civilian and military applications. A Flying Ad-Hoc Network (FANETs) is a group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which can complete their function without human intervention. FANET is considered as a subset of MANET, however, due to high mobility and rapid topology changes in FANET applying routing protocols in FANET is a big challenge. In this paper, we have extensively evaluated existing Ad-Hoc routing protocols such as OLSR, AODV, DSR, TORA \& GRP for FANET environment. The performance of those protocols was evaluated using an OPNET 17.5 network simulator. We have compared the protocols using packet dropped ratio, end to end delay, number of hops and throughput in different moving speeds and mobility models such as Random Waypoint Mobility (RWPM), Manhattan Grid Mobility Model (MGM), Semi-Random Circular Movement (SCRM) and Pursue Mobility Model (PRS). For all evaluation scenarios, the results indicate that OLSR and GRP perform better than AODV, DSR, and TORA on average. This paper shows that the variation of the network topology caused by the relative speed of nodes is the main reason for the fluctuation of network performance. Also, we found that the (MGM) greatly affects the packet dropped ratio for all protocols. As we increase mobility speed, we found that End-to-End delay decreases in MGM, PRS, and RWPM, while it is high in SCRM.

Joint Optimal Allocation of Wireless Resource and MEC Computation Capability in Vehicular Network

Min Zhu, Yanzhao Hou, Xiaofeng Tao and Tengfei Sui (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China); Lei Gao (Beijing University Of Posts And Telecommunications, China)

Numerous applications of vehicles are computation- intensive and delay-sensitive. The Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) server helps vehicles to process the computation tasks that transmitted via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) links, while each V2I link may share resource block (RB) with multiple vehicle-to- vehicle (V2V) links. We propose a Joint Optimization of Wireless and Computation Allocation (JOWCA) algorithm in vehicular network to minimize global delay of MEC-enabled vehicular network. The JOMCA algorithm consists of V2X matching and MEC computation capability allocation. In the V2X matching, we divide the severe interference V2V links into different clusters by an adaptive interference threshold modified Heuristic Clustering (HC) algorithm, then the V2V clusters and V2I links matched by Hungarian algorithm will share the same RB. In the MEC computation capability allocation, we obtain the optimal solution of V2I link offloading ratio and MEC computation capability scheduling by applying Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition. Simulation shows that the proposed scheme can effectively reduce global delay of the vehicular network.

Session Chair

Safdar Hussain Bouk (DGIST, Korea)

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Session FWS9-S2

Future Networking Technologies

10:45 AM — 12:15 PM KST
May 24 Sun, 8:45 PM — 10:15 PM CDT

Minimizing Content-Store Data Access Time using Two-Tier Tree Architecture for NDN-based WSNs

Muhammad Mudasir Qazi and Rana Asif Rehman (National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan); Byung-Seo Kim (Hongik University, Korea (South))

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises a large number of low consumption sensor nodes equipped with sensors, data processing and communication components. The parameters currently monitored are temperature, humidity, pressure, direction, wind speed, lighting intensity, vibration intensity, sound
intensity, network voltage, chemical concentrations, contaminant levels, rare animals and vital body functions. The most important challenges associated with WSNs are improving its efficiency and network life. To improve efficiency in communication and transmission mechanisms, the Named-Data Networking (NDN)
approach is applied in WSNs. NDN is consider as one of the most rigorous future Internet architecture. NDN focuses on providing content instead of host-centered approaches that focus on the location of the content. In this paper, we have proposed a new chunk-based Content-Store architecture for NDN-based WSNs
to increase the efficiency of the individual node as well as the entire network. Our approach efficiently stores and retrieves Data packets with greater processing efficiency, which is one of the main problems in wireless sensor networks.

Mitigating Interference and Energy Issues in Smart Homes using Internet of Things

Murad Khan (Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea); Muhammad Toaha Raza Khan and Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, Korea (South))

The smart home is extensively preferred, as it improves the residents' lifestyles involving many disciplines, i.e., security, lighting, etc. The wide expansion of smart home increases size and complexity in network, therefore, it is crucial to tackle the numerous challenges associated to data loss attributable to efficient energy and interference management. In this research article, a specific smart home control system is proposed using ZigBee based on co-coordinator. The proposed system is composed of three components: 1) interference controlling system to control wireless interference among heterogeneous devices, 2) advanced energy management system to optimize the energy utilization and integrated the light source with sunlight, and 3) management control agent to manage the electronic devices and time efficiently. The efficient computer simulation is also executed to test the efficiency of the proposed scheme. The analysis and results reveal that the proposed system is efficient enough to reduce the power consumption of smart home devices. Moreover, it is further experienced that the proposed scheme is less affected by the interference.

Network Function Placement for Service Chains with Server Maintenance Cost

Zhuangyi Tan (Sun Yat-Sen University, China); Jinbei Zhang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)

Network function virtualization (NFV) is a technique of building new network architecture that can decouple network functions from proprietary equipment and thus increase the flexibility of network services deployment while reducing the total cost significantly. In the NFV scheme, network functions are placed on generic servers over the network. When a network service is requested, it will be implemented by chaining several Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) placed on servers to form a Service Function Chain (SFC). The deployment of SFC faces an unprecedented challenge: when several network services are requested, which servers should be chosen to form service function chains while minimizing the total cost? Many existing optimization models consider the feasibility of placing the SFCs or minimizing the resource consumed by the VNFs. However, activate and maintain a server to hold VNFs also consume a huge amount of energy, and it's possible to lower the total energy cost by carefully arrange the servers with low maintenance cost. Therefore, in this paper, to investigate the network function placement for service chains with server maintenance cost, we propose a heuristic algorithm, which firstly construct a server set that may accommodate all service chains with low server maintenance cost. Then it formulates a linear programming to find the schemes of chaining the VNFs (also called placement configurations) with minimum communication cost in the server set, and obtain its optimal fractional solutions. Eventually, we perform a rounding scheme to achieve integer solutions that out-performs the greedy scheme in many evaluations.

Multi-Band Multi-Hop WLANs for Disaster Relief and Public Safety Applications

Asad Ali (BUITEMS, Pakistan); Fatima Hussain (Royal Bank of Canada, Canada); Rasheed Hussain (Innopolis University & Networks and Blockchain Lab, Russia); Adil Mehmood Khan (Innopolis University, Russia); Alex Ferworn (Ryerson University, Canada)

Calamities like tsunami and flood cause communication outage by damaging the communication infrastructure and power supply. As an alternate communication facility, multi-hop relay networks are deployed. Deploying these networks is quick and easy, however, the performance is deteriorated due to the use of relays in such environments. Similarly, given the surge in bandwidth-hungry applications, performance parameters such as high throughput and low end-to-end delay are also daunting challenges in the traditional one-hop wireless LANs (WLANs). In this context, simultaneous transmission over multiple bands has the potential to improve the capacity of relay networks and accommodate the future unforeseen bandwidth-hungry applications. Manipulating the attributive diversity of different bands will yield prolific gains in terms of performance. However, for multi-hop transmissions in such multi-band networks, channel conditions and bit-rates over different bands, different links tend to be different. This causes significant degradation in the performance in terms of throughput and end-to-end delay. To address this problem, considering the channel conditions and bitrates of each band on either side of the relay, we exploit Shapley value to distribute the load in such a way that maximizes throughput and minimizes end-to-end delay in multi-band networks. Illustrative numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme.

Session Chair

Safdar Hussain Bouk (DGIST, Korea)

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Session FWS9-S3

Intelligent Communication Technologies

2:00 PM — 3:30 PM KST
May 25 Mon, 12:00 AM — 1:30 AM CDT

Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Powered Communication Networks

Bin Lyu (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China); Hoang Thai Dinh (University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia); Shimin Gong (Sun Yat-sen University, China); Zhen Yang (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)

In this paper, we propose to use an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) in a wireless powered communication network to boost both downlink energy transfer (ET) and uplink information transmission (IT) efficiency, where the IRS consisting of a large number of low-cost passive reflecting elements is deployed between a hybrid access point (HAP) and multiple wireless-powered users. In particular, all passive reflecting elements collaboratively adjust their phase shifts to first construct beamforming for ET from the HAP to all users and then provide additional transmission links for IT from the users to the HAP. Then, we formulate a sum-rate maximization problem by jointly optimizing the time scheduling for network, the phase shift matrix for ET, and the phase shift matrices for all users' IT. Since the formulated problem is non-convex, we first design the phase shift matrices for IT independently by exploiting the characteristics of IT and obtain an approximate solution by using the semidefinite relaxation technique and the Gaussian randomization method. After that, we propose a block coordinated decent based algorithm to solve the simplified problem by iteratively optimizing the time scheduling and the ET's phase shift matrix, the convergence of which is further analyzed. Simulation results confirm that the proposed scheme can achieve up to 350\% sum-rate gain compared to the benchmarks.

NoViSec: Novel Virtual Network Mapping Framework for Secure Software-Defined Networking

Haotong Cao (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China); Yue Hu (China Mobile Communications Group Jiangsu Co., Ltd., China); Shengchen Wu (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China); Jianbo Du (Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications, China); Feng Tian (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China); Gagangeet Singh Aujla (Newcastle University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Longxiang Yang (Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China)

With the goal of removing Internet rigidity, network softwarization technologies, such as software defined networking (SDN), network virtualization (NV), and network function virtualization (NFV), emerge and have been greatly promoted by their supporters. This softwarization scheme contributes to isolating network control from data panel, and allocating virtualized physical network resources flexibly. However, physical switches and links, supporting the softwarization scheme, may be attacked by malicious attackers. Even if these switches and links are softwarized and virtualized successfully, the problem of mapping various virtual network requests, known as virtual network embedding, is difficult to solve directly. Each customized VN request must be allocated and implemented in the appropriate manner. To deal with these issues, we research the virtual network mapping for secure SDN-enabled networks. Firstly, a hierarchical virtualization architecture for SDN-enabled networks is presented. Then, the security model for different malicious attacks is presented. Thirdly, we propose the novel and secure virtual network mapping framework, labeled as NoViSec, for supporting SDN-enabled networks. Preliminary experiment results are plotted and discussed so as to validate our secure NoViSec framework effectiveness.

Resource Allocation Based Performance Analysis for 5G Vehicular Networks in Urban Areas

Minglong Zhang (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand); Arun Kumar (NIT Rourkela, India); Peter Han Joo Chong (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand); Henry Chan (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong); Boon-Chong Seet (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)

In this paper, we investigate network performance for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications in 5G vehicular networks. The V2X communications enable various services included in the latest standard released by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). In V2X communications, resource allocation plays a crucial role to exchange information between vehicles and other equipment. To evaluate its influence on network performance, we firstly develop a network model for V2X communications in urban areas. Various services are considered in the model. Simulation results reveal that the dynamic resource allocation specified in the current standard in mode 3, while able to avoid transmission collisions, cannot provide guaranteed services needed by intelligent transportation systems (ITS), especially for enhanced V2X services in urban areas. Consequently, a location-aware resource allocation (LARA) strategy is proposed to tackle the discovered issues. Compared with its standard counterpart, the proposed approach can effectively improve the resource utilization and boost the network performance.

True Detect: Deep Learning-based Device-Free Activity Recognition using WiFi

Muhammad Sulaiman (National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan); Syed Ali Hassan (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan); Haejoon Jung (Incheon National University, Korea (South))

Activity recognition has taken an important role in smart devices and has a wide range of applications. Traditional approaches to activity recognition either require the target to carry electronic sensors or require dedicated devices such as software-defined radios, which may not be feasible in many situations. This paper provides an overview of device-free activity recognition techniques and proposes a convolutional neural network-based approach for classifying different human activities by leveraging the channel state information (CSI) obtained using off-the-shelf hardware. The design and implementation of the deep learning framework, to classify activities in a live scenario, are also discussed. The results show that, in controlled environments, a high activity recognition accuracy can be achieved using CSI and that the framework can also be implemented in live scenarios.

Session Chair

Safdar Hussain Bouk (DGIST, Korea)

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Session FWS9-S4

Communication Techniques

3:45 PM — 5:15 PM KST
May 25 Mon, 1:45 AM — 3:15 AM CDT

Waveform Design of Low Complexity WR-OTFS System for the OOB Power Reduction

Md. Najmul Hossain, Yosuke Sugiura and Tetsuya Shimamura (Saitama University, Japan); Heung-Gyoon Ryu (Chungbuk National University, Korea (South))

Orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation is a recently proposed 2-D modulation technique that outperforms orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), particularly in high-speed vehicle communications. However, OTFS system has high out-of-band (OOB) power emission. A Novel PHY layer waveform candidate should be developed to overcome such issues for the next generation 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) mobile communication systems. In this paper, we propose a windowing and restructuring orthogonal time frequency space (WR-OTFS) system to reduce OOB power emission. In our proposed system, time-domain windowing is used at the transmitter to effectively reduce the OOB power emissions, and a very short window length is enough to meet the conventional spectral mask. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly reduces OOB power emission compared to conventional OFDM and OTFS schemes. Moreover, we compare the uncoded BER performance among the different systems over AWGN and delay-Doppler channels for different user equipment (UE) speeds. The proposed scheme exhibits similar performance over AWGN and delay-Doppler channels as compared to the conventional OTFS system means without degradation of communication quality. Whereas, the OFDM performance completely breaks down in high-mobility scenarios. Simulation results show that the proposed WR-OTFS scheme can be reduced OOB power emission by 66 dB and achieved a gain of 10 dB over OFDM at BER of 10^-3.

Joint Energy Beamforming and Optimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enhanced Communications

Yuze Zou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China); Shimin Gong (Sun Yat-sen University, China); Jing Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China); Hoang Thai Dinh (University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia); Dusit Niyato (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Wenqing Cheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

To face the scarcity of wireless spectrum resources and explosive energy consumption due to rapid growth of mobile devices and Internet of Things terminals, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) has recently gained a lot of attention and become as one of the promising solutions. In this paper, we consider an IRS-enhanced multiple-input single-output (MISO) system, in which the IRS is wireless powered by the access point (AP) in power splitting scheme. We aim to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the end user by jointly optimizing the AP's beamforming as well as the phase-shift and the power splitting ratio of the IRS elements. To tackle the non-convexity of the formulated problem due to the coupling of optimization variables, we devise a two-stage approximation algorithm by analyzing and then decomposing the structure of the problem. Specifically, the algorithm first tunes the phase-shift of IRS elements to align the equivalent channel of IRS reflected path to that of the direct link. After that, we adopt a successive convex approximation based method to achieve a near optimal solution for the reformulated problem iteratively. The simulation results show that our proposed two-stage approximation algorithm can solve the jointly SNR maximization problem efficiently.

Comprehensive Study on CC-LDPC, BC-LDPC and Polar Code

Kun Zhu (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China); Zhanji Wu (BUPT, China)

Channel coding scheme plays crucial role in every generation communication. In 5G communication, the block code LDPC(BC-LDPC) and polar code are utilized at data channel and control channel respectively. In the next generation communication, it is bound to be more demanding for coding schemes. To matching higher requirements in the future, we investigate the current state-of-the-art practical codes, which include convolutional code LDPC (CC-LDPC), BC-LDPC and polar code.
This article is intended to stand out the advantages of CC-LDPC facing future communication. At the beginning of this article, we concentrate on the introduction of the above three coding schemes, especially the CC-LDPC. After that, we compare them from different point of views to outline the attractive advantages for CC-LDPC. In the end, we propose some open research problems and solving ideas.

Joint Admission Control and Association for the Downlink of a mmWave Vehicular Network

Akila Anuradha Ekanayake (Nokia, Finland); Kapuruhamy Badalge Shashika Manosha (Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland); Nandana Rajatheva and Matti Latva-aho (University of Oulu, Finland)

In this study, we consider the problem of admission control for primary vehicles and association for secondary vehicles in a singe cell downlink vehicular network, based on vehicle-to-everything (V2X) architecture. We consider the network operates on millimeter wave (mmWave) communication at 60 GHz.
Our objective is to determine the optimal topology of vehicle connectivity which maximizes the number of admitted primary vehicles, while associating all secondary vehicles to ensure the coverage. We cast the optimization problem as an L0 minimization problem. This problem is known to be combinatorial and NP-hard. Hence, we propose a sub-optimal, two-stage algorithm to solve it. With numerical results we show that the proposed algorithm achieves close to optimal performance.

Session Chair

Safdar Hussain Bouk (DGIST, Korea)

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